But its for a good reason, as we have been living our life and enjoying it.
Today marks the 7 year anniversary when we learned Trisha was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer.
On April 7, 2008
- We were both 32 years old
- We had a 1.5 year old boy named Caden
- We were both scared
- ( and SF Giants lost their home opener )
Today, April 7th 2015, 7 years later
- We are both less than 40 :)
- Caden is a super awesome 8 year old 3rd grader
- We were both at Caden's Little League game tonight (he went 3 for 3)
- While I coached on he field, Trish sat in the stands with our 3 year old boy, Griffen....
- (and yeah, SF Giants lost)
One reason why we have not kept the blog up to date in the fact that we have been fortunate to get past the the 2008 and 2009 years... Years well documented on this blog..
Griffen is our 3.5 year old son, Caden's little brother.. the boy we naturally conceived a couple years after chemo/radiation...
In 2010 after consulting with Trisha's Oncology Doctors... When we asked if we should try to get pregnant... during chemo, Trish's body did go into what the doctors predicted as pre-menopause....
they all said "no reason not to..." so we tried for a month... and and it happened... and we cherish the decision we made to try
Caden and Griffen love each other... they are awesome boys... awesome brothers..
Trish is an awesome girl.. an awesome Mom... awesome wife.
Our life has been pretty crazy since this time in 2007, but we have made the best of it...
While Caden and Griffen deserve a blog of their own, this blog was dedicated not only to Trisha, but for those who have stumbled across while searching Google for keywords I wish no one to ever have to search for... (we hope this provides information and inspiration to you)
I would love to thank everyone.(family, friends, strangers) again for their help and support over the years... its been 7 years... we did not get through this alone.... but with your help...
As for Trish....
She is doing great, and has coupled her Sales and personal experiences into employment opportunities where she can share her knowledge with doctors, nurses and patients.
Thanks for reading....
if you would ever like to reach out to Trisha or Oak, please contact us at the links on this page.... Thanks..
Griffen, Caden & Pancho the Cat relaxing on a recent lazy Saturday...