thursday 5/8:
trish had her first appointment with her Healing Touch partner, chanda. she really enjoyed the session, and said she was able to really relax and feel the positive energy throughout her body.
i have no doubt that this will prove to be a great program for trish.
trish's sister, yvonne, flew in from holland for a visit. trish and yvonne only see each other about once every couple of years, so this is a special time for two of them to hang out..
friday 5/9:
trish went to the movies with her sister and mom, and saw 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall'
the house cleaners came... a bunch of our friends pitched it and paid for a years worth of house cleanings... thank you very much to all of you.
jen, robert and cooper tozi stopped by for a bit and dropped off some dinner..
saturday 5/10:
trish went shopping with yvonne, as our friend jay and myself played plumber for the day.
those familiar with our 4 year long master bathroom renovation (okay, maybe 5 year) will be happy to hear that we have all our tile done (thanks whitey), but more importantly, WE HAVE A WORKING TOILET... trish was quite happy to say the least... no more trips down the hall in the middle of the night to the other bathroom..
i plan on having the sink in sometime in the next 4 years.
sunday 5/11:
we had a very nice mother's day brunch over at steve & cerena's, with all of trish's family... we ate too much as we watched caden and cousin lucas play around in the backyard...
monday 5/12:
during the morning, trish and her dad brought caden to his gymnastics class down at the rec center...
yvonne made us a nice dutch dish for dinner...
in the late afternoon, trish decided it was time for a new, new do...
trish's hair was becoming easier to pull out. she wasn't to the point of losing clumps of hair, but her scalp was constantly itchy, and she was afraid scratching her head would pull too much hair out...
so..... it was time.
she had her brother, casey (an expert with the bald head), shave all but about 1/2" off..
it turned into a head shaving party as our friend eric, trish's dad judas, our nephew trevor, and my cousin kevin took part in the shaving as well... for some reason, bella (the dog) was no where to be found during all of this...
our biggest concern was how caden would react.... so while trish was getting her haircut, caden was right in front watching as trish's hair became shorter and shorter...
he took it great... he could care less if his mom has long or short hair... that makes two of us...
tuesday 5/13:
trish and yvonne spent the day in san francisco... hitting up the ferry building, ghiradelli square and union square... they made it back to redwood city in time for the tail end of story time at the library (trish and caden have been going to this for ~ 14 months)
wednesday 5/14:
trish, along with caden, lucas, yvonne and ria went to the San Francisco Zoo.
mr. and mrs. p... ron sr. and dianne puccinelli brought by some chicken, veggies and dessert...
thursday 5/15:
trish is currently at her 2nd session with chanda of the healing touch program
whats on tap for the coming week:
friday 5/16:
trish will meet with the cardiologist and get her baseline EKG.
saturday 5/17:
the plan is for trish to head to the wine country, and spend the night up there with her girlfriends... this will be trish's first night away from caden..... ever... stay tuned..
tuesday 5/20:
trish begins her new regimen of weekly taxol and herceptin IV drips
some pics from monday...
hair falling out...

so its time to cut it...

now she is ready for the 100 degree heatwave...

We don't want to brag though Trisha is in always and ALL ways the very BEST daughter-in-law any family could ever be blessed with!
She has the most beautiful heart, soul, spirit and SMILE, regardless of what's shes wearing, what she's doing, or what type of hairstyle she's sportin'!
And nope, we're not biased at all..It's ALL fact and I'm positive you'd all agree with us on all of the above!
Trisha you're beautiful..PERIOD!
Mom & Dad (Barrett)
This was an amazing week! Trisha I am so glad I could spend time with you, Oak and Caden! We cried and laughed (more!). Seeing you made this whole situation more acceptable, it is so hard being on the other side of the world, while I want to check up on you every day. I can look back on another great experience we have just had together. One more enjoy your company.
Thank you already for the wonderful time, despite the reason I am being here.
Love you so much!! You will beat this, cause you changed so much already!! I know it!
love your sister
Trisha I am so proud of you! You are so strong and so positive.
I feel blessed to be your mom!
I am here for you, Oak and Caden, every day, hour, minute! Right around the corner!
love mom
Love the new doo! You have a beautiful head and it seems like you've had some really amazing times this past week or so.... so happy to hear.
Love and prayers, always!
The Hsichs
Thanks for all the updates Oak...and great job on the master bathroom! Trisha - you look beautiful...looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Love ya! Moni
As expected, she looks beautiful! Can't wait to visit soon, have fun in the wine country wish I could be there for your first night away from Caden!
Trish you look beautyfull, It is so great to see that great and wonderfull smile. We are keeping us informed by reading your BLOG. It is wonderfull all the positive news I am reading. You and your family are in our prayers every day. I see that Yvonne is there have a great time. Enjoy, Enjoy
Love Ria and Theo in Idaho
Fabulous!!! I remember when my mom shaved her was liberating, and much more comfortable. Beautiful on the inside and out. Oak: I am so glad I can stay in touch this way. What a special man you are and I know that Trisha can beat this. She has so much love around her.
Love, Shari
Hey Trisha and Oak...I've been following Trisha's story (we have many friends in common-- Trisha, I was the pregnant one at Whitey's party in Dec.) and praying for you and your family. Just wanted to offer help on your bathroom remodel if you still need it. My husband is almost finished remodeling our house and is really good at what he does. So, Oak, if you need an extra hand just let us know. You'll continue to be in our prayers. --megan (mellor) and joe carver
Trish your sooooo beautiful inside and out! Your rocking the new dew. Love it. You ALWAYS look fantastic and your smile says it all! Keep being the amazing woman that you are. Your in my prayers.
Hugs and Kisses,
It's about time the bathroom made some headway! Good job my brother. Trisha you look great as usual. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful busy week! See you guys on the 6th!
Monya & Russ
You are absolutely beautiful! As Always!! Take care!!
Yvonne (friend of cerena and steve)
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