9am we arrived for trish's blood draw from nurse christy...
while waiting for the blood test results, we headed down to dr. calrson's office to get a note to excuse trish from the jury duty summons she got last week...
(if ya ever want to get out of jury duty... just go get yourself some cancer)
we headed back up to the infusion center at 10am to get the results of the blood test from nurse bev.
trish's counts were a little iffy today, but dr. carlson decided to continue with the treatment this week.
white blood cells, Absolute neutrophil count (ANC): 1.47 (cutoff is typically 1.5)
was 4.7 last week, and .6 a few weeks ago
red blood cells, hematocrit (HCT):: 28.2
was 30.3 last week and 28 a few weeks ago
its 11:30am and trish just finished up her first pre-drug of decadron and nurse bev just hooked up the benadryl. she will then get her pepcid, and then on with the taxol and herceptin.
the 6pm update..
trish began on her taxol around 12:15pm...
herceptin at 1:50pm...
we were done and walking out the door at 2:30pm
trish is looking and feeling good, but again, her immune system is pretty low.
she is more prone to getting sick, so caden did not go to storytime today, and we need to keep trish as healthy as possible.
if you want to come visit, please call first...
ill be giving her shots of neupogen beginning tommorrow for 4 days, in efforts to keep her white blood cell up..
so thats the update from the oak ridge estate..
here is a pic of trish and her new tshirt on saturday morning before we headed to the farmers market downtown...
"My Oncologist Is My Homeboy"

and here is a pic from this morning in the waiting room...

Hi Trisha,
You're looking great! LOVE the shirt you wore to Farmer's Market!:) Glad that you were able to get another treatment in today. We think about you everyday and a little bit extra on Tuesdays! Hang in there and keep that beautiful smile on your face!
Hugs to you, Oak & little Caden!
Lyndee & Family
Hi Trisha! I could not think of a more appropriate T-Shirt. Rock on! I am glad to hear you were able to get in your treatment today. Armando, Avery and I send you, Oak and Caden all our strength and good thoughts. I love you and can't wait to see you again.
Love Mia, Armando and Avery
Hi Sister!
Can't believe how great that purple bandana looks on you!
And Bella right beside you really makes me laugh!
I am so glad you got your chemo again yesterday, was thinking about you ... even during the soccergame: Netherlands - Roemeniƫ!! Can you believe I watched the whole game???
Love you, take care,
your beautiful smile just makes my day! Your t-shirt is great!! Oak, you rock for posting those cute pictures and keeping us updated! You are all in our hearts and prayers everyday!
Sending hugs and kisses from Rocklin,
Shab (Keith, Shireen and Gregory)
Simply beautiful from the inside out..always have been and always will be..
We love you and YOUR two guys to the moon beyond and back~
Mom & Dad (Barrett)
In a word you are simply AMAZING! You look beautiful and strong, keep up the fight! I think about you, Oak and Caden everyday. We love you all so much.
All Our Love~
Ginger & Family
I love that you are sporting the scarf...it looks great.
You and your family are in our thoughts everyday. Keep doing what you are doing, you look amazing.
Sending all our aloha,
Abby, Emmett and Dane
So glad Russ & I got to hang out with you guys for a while this weekend. :) See you again in three weeks! love you guys!
Monya & Russ
Hi Trisha, You look absolutely beautyfull and gorgeous, I always thought that you were beautyfull but these pictures say it all. What an beautyfull and lovely face you have. It reminds me a lot of your Mom when I just met her a few years ago, HA HA HA. God bless you and all of your family. Ria and Theo
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