Thursday, October 30, 2008

a quicker update...

we got a call from dr. jeffery's office yesterday...

trish's surgery has been bumped from november 11th, to november 4th.

to go from having 10 days to mentally and physically prepare, to a few... its kinda crazy, but we have been waiting for this day all along.

trish is doing great physically.

emotionally she knows this is all part of the plan of living a low maintenance life, but it doesn't mean she has to like it...

the silver lining:
november 11th is a scheduled herceptin day. if she had surgery on that day, herceptin would have been postponed...
she will now be able to stay on her schedule to worryfreetown, usa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tisha...what GREAT news. Early surgery...herceptin on have been so blessed. You are forever in my prayers.

Staying strong-