Wednesday, April 1, 2009

a year ago, today...

a lump was found and the journey began... no fooling.


mamafish said...

It has been a hugely crazy and rough year for your family. I am constantly amazed at how it has been handled. Oak, thank you for chronicling and sharing it with the general public. Trish, you are inspiring to say the least. Caden, you are one handsome girls should be so lucky!

I hope that putting the year behind you will allow you all to return to as much a normal lifestyle possible. I wish only the best.

I am constantly telling your story and relishing when I get to say "and she beat it!". Awesome! I am going to take part in one of the Avon Breast Cancer walks someday soon, and when I do-you will be my inspiration.


Anonymous said...

It's definatly been a year for you guys. Though that year started off with bad news, it's ending with good. I know there is still a long road ahead but somehow it seems a bit shorter knowing you have already pulled through the toughest part...beating it.

My brother, thank you for always keeping us informed, the good the bad and the ugly. It's amazing what your updates have done for everyone including myself. We have all been educated on a subject many of us knew nothing about. In by doing so, we can pass this information onto others and bring awareness to something so few ever knew about. Your site alone has become a great source of information and help for many. I know becuase I have passed it onto several friends and co-workers who have had family members effected by IBC but not knowing where to begin in their research or where to find inforamtion & resources. What started out to be a resource for family & friends to keep up with what was going on has turned into much more than that.

Now that this terrible year is behind you can we please update that Disneyland picture and get all of you down here and go again?! :-)

Love you guys,