it wasn't the wee hours of the morning, but st. patty and i headed to stanford this morning for a few shots and thee ole pint of herceptin...
(trish hates being called patty/pat and this will probably result in a kick to my crotch later)
the jameson, bushmills and baileys have been swapped out for pepcid, decadron and benadryl...
and that green beer chaser has been traded in for the herceptin.
im not saying the nurses woke up early to sling a few back, but things are running a little slow around here today... we arrived around 9:40am and the herecptin didn't get going till 11:30am-ish. if there is any luck of the trish on our side, we will be heading out of here around 1pm today.
trish did get a nice surprise today, as the cancer center nurses were walking around and handing out green vases full of daffodils to all the Survivors.
trish is doing great. she is recovering very well from the radiation. all the blisters have dried up and gone away, and her skin has shed that winter coat to reveal some nice new (albeit tender) skin. the new baby skin is a little itchy, but nothing comparable to what she dealt with during the 6 weeks of radiation.
trish's next herceptin appointment, and visit with doc o'carlson will be three weeks from today... April 7th, 2009.
this is a pretty significant date, as it is 366 days after trish was first diagnosed on April 7th, 2008.
anyhow... thanks for checking in.
here are a couple pics from today, i didn't have the real camera with me, so the crappy blackberry pics will have to do for now.
who needs green beer when ya have green herceptin...

Survivor daffodils

Hello Trisha,
I was just browsing through some breast cancer logos and came across your blog...Let me tell you that You are such a brave lady...I was reading alond and my eyes were filled with tears...I will be walking in this year 3 day in Dallas and women like you is the reason that I am walking...People ask me if I know of anyone that has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and my answer is NO. They continue to ask me "why are you doing it?"...I always say "why not"...I am walking for those who can't and for a cure...So that when my daughter gets older that her and her little friends won't have this ordeal to deal with....
You are my inspiration!!! Keep it up!! Take Care!!
happy patricia day... haha. just noticed that!
love ya
you are looking fantastic! Can't wait to see you hopefully soon!!!!
xoxox Monya
Just wanted to say hello. As mentioned in my last comment, my mom's surgery went well and like you said, recovery was the easiest part!!! She starts radiation this friday- 5 days a week, 5 weeks. They have termed her as "IN REMISSION" which she proudly tells everyone. And her full head of silver hair is growing in nicely- actually looks really nice on her. She was suprised she was so gray under all those years of dying it! Anyway- glad to see you are doing well. Take care of yourself and I keep you in my thoughts!
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