Patricia Angelina Faggiolly Barrett is a 32 year old mother, wife and friend. On April 7, 2008, while 15 weeks pregnant, she was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC). The news came as a shock to everyone close to Trisha. This blog is being created on her behalf so that those close to her can follow her progress through the challenging journey she has ahead of her.
true love... =)
Hang in there Trish....that adorable little man needs you.
such heartwarming pictures. Caden is such a handsome little man! hang in there!
Oak you always seem to capture the most beautiful pictures of Trisha with Caden..Seeing these made so many others run through my mind and as always, made me smile!
There's no denying you're Poppie's grandson (hence more pictures of others than YOU with others!) Even Poppie put the camera down once in awhile for a family photo opt, now it's your turn! Put it down for a minute, step in front of it so everyone can see what a beautiful family the three of you are.
As you & Trisha know, Poppie and Framma are always with all three of you each & every single day and now's no exception.. Today and through all of your tomorrows you've got the very best "Angels in your outfield" that anyone could ever want!
Love you all~
PS..Yeah no worries, I'm not volunteering to take the photos though I'm right beside Carrie making signs! :)
Oak, Trish and Caden, You are such a beautiful family! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We cant even begin to imagine what you must be going through. Stay strong! We know you can power through this. Love, Adam and Andi
The pictures are darling - thanks for posting them.
Hoping you're feeling ok, Trisha... knowing it's all overwhelming and seems like a bad dream. Someday you'll look back and sigh and continue to be inspirational to all around you.
They are again so beautiful pictures! When you see them, you feel the true love!
Compliments to Oak, very great pictures!
missing you, see you soon, Yvonne
Those pictures are too precious. Keep strong for Caden, Oak and yourself PLUS all your friends and family who love you so much. God bless you! Margie
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