Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dinner Sign-Up Part 2


Thank you all for your quick response to the dinner sign-ups. For a moment there I felt like I was selling Wiis... they were gone within minutes! I spoke to Trisha and Oak and they'd like to reopen up the field. I went into the sign-up list and removed everyone who volunteered for more than one day. Please understand that many people want to help, and this is a small way that they can. Please take one day and leave the next slot for someone else. This also gives Trisha and Oak the opportunity to visit with new family and friends.

Thanks for your understanding.

P.S. Trisha is moving toward a very balanced diet in hopes that it'll help her beat this disease. Please try to bring veggies, fruit, chicken, fish and other healthy meals. We are meeting with a nutritionist and hope to have more guidance for you soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trisha, Oak and Caden,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Anything you need- you name it! Really, anything :)
You will beat this- I know you will.
Love ya,
Mary Kate