if anyone knows where we can get a video of the opening ceremonies, please let me know
it was an amazing experience to see so many people rally around a common cause, i believe the final count was right around 2000 walkers. we parked on geneva street, ahead of the walkers as they departed from the cow palace, so we could greet everyone as they passed by.
trish received many well wishes and hugs from random strangers passing by, some of who mentioned they read trish's blog.. trish was really touched when a woman passed by and gave her a hand made 'survivor' angel pin.
trish's mom even met folks from a 12 member team out of el dorado hills walking in honor of trish... complete strangers... amazing..
i posted a few pics below, but im in the process of creating a slideshow that ill post later..
trish has been feeling a lot better the last couple days. she was running a fever since her treatment on tuesday, so we came back into the cancer center on wednesday, so dr. carlson's nurse, jan could run some blood tests and make sure there wasn't anything serious going on.
there wasn't anything serious, trish was just a little sick from the bug thats getting passed around the family lately.
nurse jan sent us home with some antibiotics, Augmentin (for you GSK peeps), and this has really helped her kick her little sick bug and fever...
since trish's red blood counts are low, and contributing to her fatigue, we scheduled a blood transfusion when we were here on wednesday, for today... friday..
so after we saw every single 3day'er pass us on the street...
after many waves, hugs from strangers and beads (it was like mardi gras out there... guess its fitting since this is all about boobies.. ),
we headed home to drop caden off with my mom, so trish & i could drive back to stanford for her scheduled blood transfusion at 10am. the special guest star of the day is non other than carrie, and yes... trish did walk up the staircase... i believe she said its was 38 steps...
trish's temp is currently 96.98 degrees, so her fever is gone... she was feeling great yesterday and this morning, but continues to tire easily, so today's 2 unit transfusion should do wonders for her stamina.
after the nurses double checked her blood type, the transfusion began at 12:45pm. it takes about 2 hours per unit, so we are hoping to be done in 4 or so hours... around 5pm.
i received a text from ria at 12:50pm, and the walkers have completed their first 10 miles, and are now having lunch.
thanks for checking in... ill post a link to the slideshow after we get home, but here are some pics from this morning
a short video from this morning, right before the trailblazers caught up to us...
caden & trish cheering on the 3 day walkers

some of Trisha's Trailblazers...

some more Trailblazers...

rooting as the walkers flutter by...

the infamous cancer center stairs...
all 38 of em

Trisha & Oak,
Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures! What a tremendous support system you guys have! I did the 3 Day walk a couple years back and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I would love to join you in Boston, Trish! Hang in there and get your rest. You will win this battle. Oak - the pictures and slide show are incredible, thanks for sharing these.
Hope to see you both soon(for sure on 9/22 for dinner drop-off). :)
All our love & prayers!
Lyndee, Tim & kiddos
Trish and Oak
I became aware of Trish's cancer from Jay L and Racquele over the summer. Since then I've thought about you guys and have been wishing Trish the best. Racquele sent me an e-mail about the walk and by reviewing the Cancer Walk page I came upon your blog. Ive just spent the last hour reading this blog and I have to tell you I've cried, laughed, smiled, and even got angry knowing that you guys have to go through this. Most of all though I feel like you guys will get through this because of how strong you guys are and OMG what awesome friends and family you have to support you through this battle. Sorry for the winded message but you guys are in my prayers and thoughts and Sophia (my daughter)and I wish you guys the best.
P.S. Love you guys!!!
Jay Gutierrez (Grunge/Good Grades)
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