trish woke up at 3am with really crazy chills that she couldn't shake... we have seen plenty of side effects in the past 5 months, but nothing like this...
sweatshirt, sweatpants, down comforter, nothing helped get her warm...
after a long overdue trip to the bathroom, she felt much better was able to go back to sleep for a little bit.
the chills returned at 4am along with a fever, so we headed to the stanford ER.
trish got a nice private pediatric ER room, complete with an Apple computer on the wall with games and music, and a tv with some on demand disney kids movies.
so while i was honing my race car skills on some video game intended for 5 year olds, trish was catching the latest nancy drew movie.
meanwhile, the docs drew blood for tests and cultures, gave some IV's of antibiotics and hydration, and tossed in some ativan and zofran (meds trish takes each day) for good measure.
once 8am rolled around, i walked over to the cancer center and canceled trish's 8am appointment for her herceptin infusion, and talked with dr. carlson to let him know that trish was over in the ER.
by this time, trish's chills were long gone... fever was gone... she was warm, and she was feeling much better. she had an appetite, and felt 100% better than 3am.
the blood test came back, and her red and white counts were good, but some other test revealed she did have an infection and she was gonna continue on the antibiotics.
the nurses recommended we bring caden to his pediatrician to get him looked at as as a preventative measure...
so i left the ER at 1pm and went home to bring caden to his doctor, Dr. Lynch at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. dr. lynch examined caden, and said we had nothing to worry about with him... he is a healthy, happy almost 2 year old. dr. lynch even gave trish a call later last night to check in her, as she was unaware of trish's diagnosis since caden has not been to see her since february.
caden and i then went home, and i dropped him off with my mom, and i headed back to the ER.
we were hoping the docs wouldn't admit trish to the hospital overnight, but they decided to. around 4:30pm, trish was moved to an actual hospital room and continued on her antibiotics and hydration. after the "hosptial" docs conferred with dr. carlson, they agreed to give trish her dose of herceptin to keep her on her tuesday schedule.
around 7pm ria came to hang out with trish, and i headed home so i could hang out with caden a little bit before his 8pm bedtime.
around 8:30pm, trish began on her typical trio of predrugs of benedryl, pepcid and decadron. the herceptin finished up around 10:30pm.
so now its today, wednesday...
im sitting in trish's hospital room and while we listen to the thunder of the life flight helicopter taking off, we are also counting the hours before her supposed 1pm release.
she is still feeling good, no fever, the typical nausea that she is taking zofran for, and thats about it... she is a little sleepy tired, and she didn't get as good as night rest as hoped, but trish said she had a really nice hour long conversation with her nurse at 3am.
trish woke up and ate a good breakfast, and is looking forward to heading home and hanging out with the little guy. until then, she is reading her new, new favorite book.. the follow up to Kris Carr's first book Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips
looks like its as much of a workbook as a book to read. lots of spots to put down your own thoughts, goals, experiences, etc... trish has really been enjoying the book.
so its been a long 32 hours, but things are much better.
at 11:00am and dr. heather wakelee, along with her crew of med students and doctors, just gave trish the go ahead to head home... she is gonna prescribe some antibiotics to continue on for the next week, but thinks trish is fine.
now we just need to wait on the paperwork so we can do as the sheep herder does...
get the flock out of here..
just another crazy sexy cancer day...
12:50pm update:
supposedly we will be out of here in 20 minutes or so...
so much for being 'released' at 11am
1:20pm update:
we are on our way out... here is a pic from a few minutes ago...
looking good and feeling good..

Trishy - so glad you're home and feeling better. I was worried about you! We'll have to do our Sex & the City night another night soon when you are feeling up to it! Let me know if you need anything. Love ya! xoxo Moni
Oh, Trisha.... this is not fair. I am so sad you've been in the hospital and been through such a scare and feeling so lousy.
Prayers continue for you (all)!
I love you - tons.
Trisha: Just wanted you to know that my family I will be walking in your honor on Sunday at the Breast Cancer Walk in San Francisco. It is our 12th year walking in memory of my mom. You will be added to our celebration list!!!
Shari (Johnson) & Family
I am so sorry you were not feeling well. You continue to amaze me conquering one battle at a time. We love you very much!
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