its friday, and we arrived back at chemoville around 9:45am for trish's second (AND LAST) dose of 5-FU this week.
im not gonna be able to call this place chemoville anymore, as TODAY IS THE LAST OF THE CHEMO... i guess ill have to call the place "monoclonal-antibodyville"
we are in suite B2 today with nurse margaret.
trish is currently taking a little nap while she gets her hydration IV. i dont think she needs the hydration, but might as well be safer than sorrier, as we are here anyhow for HER LAST DOSE OF CHEMO (in case i hadn't mentioned that)
we still need to come back to the cancer center to hang out with our favorite nurses, and to get trish's IV's of herceptin (an antibody, not chemo), over the next two tuesdays, and then continuing every 3 weeks for the next year...
but as for any and all of the actual "chemotherapy" drugs she has received in the last 164 days (since april 22, 2008)
- the adriamycin
- the cytoxan
- the 5-FU
- the taxol
- the epirubicin
she will be done with all of it in a couple hours :)
trish has felt really good this week... much better than round uno y dos..
we are hoping this continues, but we know it takes 7-10 days for the tuesday's "big dose" of chemo to really start kicking her ass..
on wednseday trish put up all the halloween decorations in the morning, and monica's mom, melissa, stopped by to visit deliver a beautiful blanket made by one of her coworkers.
yesterday, she went shopping at whole foods with her dad in the morning, and to healing touch with her mom in the evening. her stamina has been pretty decent, nausea has been under control (she took the last of the 3 emend pills). she has had a good appetite and continues to be relatively regular..
so far, so good..
so today:
at 10:20am, the hydration IV began
at 11:50am, nurse margaret began the manual push of the 5-FU
five minutes later, on October 3, 2008 at 11:55am, trish completed her chemotherapy.
so how bout a big FU to the 5-FU and its friends
today is a big day, a huge milestone... today is a milkshake day...
still plenty ahead of us, but its really nice to utter the words
trish getting her final push of 5-FU, while cuddled up with her new prayer blanket handmade by Pam of the Valley Church of Cupertino

Oak and Trisha, I am a former friend of Monya's from elementary school. I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!
Wendi Brown
Lieve Tante Trish,
Marijn and Amber were SOOO excited today, so happy, so thrilled that it is your last day of chemo!!!
We are too far away, but are so close to you in thoughts!!
Bert and I are also very happy for you... YOU REALLY DID IT SIS!!!!
You look so proud on the picture and you should be!!
(it is now, that I see the purple gloves on the side... ha ha)
Talk to you soon!!
lots of love,
van je zus,
"five minutes later, on October 3, 2008 at 11:55am, trish finished her chemotherapy."
AMAZING! I am so so so happy for you!
Trish, you rock! I got the happy tears for you...and the chills-good ones. I want to tell you how proud I am of you and your strength through it all. I could only hope that if I am every faced with something as huge, that I handle it with as much grace and strength as you have. I hope that when you get back into a groove outside of chemo and dr appts that I can head over that way and give you a real hug!
Oak, thank you so much for chronicalling the journey-trials and all. I know it is hard-and your dose of humor and reality have shared some tough views into what your family has been working through.
Enjoy life! Enjoy every refreshing moment.
Congratulations, Trisha, on your last day of chemo!!! Sending healing thoughts, as always...
Trisha....I can't even begin to put into words how EXCITED I am for you. What a huge milestone. You have been a true inspiration to me throughout my journey. I started chemo Sept. 07 and I have 4more left. We can hardly wait until we no longer call it "chemoville" and our every 3 week trips will become every few months. I will continue to gather strength from you as I complete my chemo...and then we can have milkshakes together :-). Be sure to DESERVE it.
Staying strong-
We're so excited for you. And VERY proud to say the least. You're such an incredible person and you inspire all of us with your amazing strength and positive attitude. Sending our prayers,love and hugs!!
Lyndee & Family
Yahoo, yipee, congrats, way to go!!!
So happy for all.
Your strength & courage is amazing. I have been following your progress, what a great milestone to complete the chemo. I will continue to keep you (and all your family) in prayer. I can not express how you have touched my life. Your grace & beauty has shown through above all the trials. You've shown me what strength truly means!
If you need anything, please call. If want to do prayer again, I'd love to be included. If you need anything...
With Much Love & Prayer,
Congratulations on the end of your chemo treatments! That's fantastic.
You are an amazing person & such an inspiration to us all.
Deanna Zeh
I am so happy for you Trish! You def. kicked some cancer ASS! I know there is still more to come but what a huge milestone!
Monya & Russ
Rock on sister!!!!! You did it. Catherine
Trisha - WooHoo...what a huge more chemo!!! I am so proud of you and I truly feel so blessed to have you in my life. I love you! xoxo Moni
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