trish, myself and our special VIP guest star, ginger, headed to the cancer center this morning to get the last treatment of round 3.
its been a long handful of days leading up to today, but trish is doing really well. no signs of any fever. trish was really happy to get home and spend some time in her own bed with caden.
nurse denise tapped trish's port around 8:50am and starting the premeds.
denise also gave us the results of trish's ANC count from yesterday (we left the hospital before we knew the actual number...)
trish has gone way up :)
Absolute neutrophil count (ANC):
friday (trip to the ER): 0.25
saturday: 0.3
sunday: 0.9
the drum roll please...
monday's test results that we received today: 5.2
this is the highest they have been since trish began the FEC rounds of chemo on august 19th. the neupogen is doing its job, and trish's body is recovering nicely. her platelet count is at an all time low, even lower than friday nights trip to the ER, but they will come back up on their own, and it isn't a concern right now.
so.. the deacadron and benadryl and dripping right now, and the 30 minutes of herceptin should begin in the next half hour or so...
later this afternoon trish will have her mammogram and ultrasound.
after today's treatment, i believe she is switching her herceptin schedule from once a week, to once every three weeks. we will meet with dr. carlson next tuesday, but im not sure if trish will begin her new herceptin schedule next tuesday, or three tuesdays from now.
thanks for checking in...
10:30am update
the herceptin is just about done... just a quick heparin flush of the port, and we are out of here... early lunch today, we just cant decide where..
trish & ginger
(taking different kinds of shots)

Trishy - So glad you're back home and feeling better! Hope everything went well today with all your test/screens! Thanks Oak for all the updates - you are such a good hubby, you are both so lucky to have one another! Love you all. xoxo Monica
Thinking of you everyday and looking forward to visiting again soon. I loved the picture of you and Ging. It looked like old times.. well minus a little hair, no beers, and of course no Batman!
Take care and hug Caden and Oak for me.
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