Friday, September 12, 2008

a quick update...

this week has been completely different for trish compared to the first week of round one. trish's appetite has been good, and she has been drinking plenty of liquids.

while she still has some nausea, its been manageable and she hasn't thrown her cookies around anywhere. trish says the nausea is consistently 4-5 on the "1 - 10" scale, but may have spiked around 6... much better than the perfect 10 she scored a few weeks back.

her big infusion day... tired and nauseated at night, as expected... but no fever and she slept well.

woke up feeling decent. went back to cancer center that evening to get hydration. she went to the restroom twice during the 1 liter hydration IV, and once right when she got home. peeing it out is a good thing... it means she is well hydrated, and her body isn't absorbing much of the fluid, cause its already got fluid... but we would rather make sure she is well hydrated, than not.

trish finished up the last of her emend pills in the morning, relaxed during the day, and went to healing touch in the evening...
another day of feeling decent and controlling the nausea...

8:30am: we arrived back at stanford sitting in the infusion treatment area for trish's second dose of 5-FU & another round of hydration.

8:45am: we had the pick of the liter as we were the first ones in the "C" room, and chose window seat C5

9:30am: nurse jackie started trish on her hydration, which should take 90 minutes

9:45am: trish got a zofran shot into her IV

she will get her 5-FU shot in a bit... that only takes 10 minutes, and she has another hour or so of hydration to go... so its no rush.

although trish is feeling pretty good so far, i think it will only get better over the next 17 or so days.

we will come back tommorrow (saturday) for trish's neulasta shot, and then come back each of the following tuesdays for herceptin.

she is not scheduled for any other hydrations, and to my untrained eye i dont think she needs them.

thanks for checking in...


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Oak thanks for the updates and hope you had a great birthday!

Trish, I'm so glad you are feeling better! It was a rough couple of weeks, but hopefully that's the worst of it. You only have a few more weeks left of this, so stay strong! Your bright spirit and postive attitude are such an inspiration! I'm so proud of you! Love you all! I will talk to you soon. xoxox Mon

Anonymous said...

Trisha...Glad you are feeling better this round...just think you only have to do this "1" more time...YEEEAAAA. You will be finished with chemo before me :-). Isn't it amazing how much a blood transfusion can make you feel better. We don't realize how weak we become. Keep looking at your boys...they will give you the strength to conquer. Keep the are doing amazing!!!

Staying strong-

Anonymous said...

Trisha - It was so wonderful to meet you finally on the morning of the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk. It was such an honor walking for you and all other women and men. And your mom is incredible - she kicked all of our butts out there!

You are doing amazing and I think of you often. I really hope to see you again soon.

Much love to you and your boys,

Angie Lu